The following section contains information for referees in Wellington to make uniform decisions.

WRFU Club Rugby and Wellington Schools Rugby Team Cards, ordering-off and sin-bin reports

A report must be completed for EVERY Yellow Card and Red Card event. Forms can be downloaded from the documents section.

Any ordering-off incident must be reported, on the day of the incident, to one or more of: Mike Dilnott, Ian Dallas, David Walsh, or Michael Langley.

WRFU grades:

All teams should be using duplicate carbon copy teamsheets.

  • the referee needs to sight a teamsheet (with all the players listed) prior to the match
  • at the end of the match, the referee needs to:
    • complete the Griffiths Memorial scoring in the bottom lefthand corner of the teamsheet
    • sign the teamsheet as a correct record of the result, sin-binnings, orderings-off, etc.
    • obtain/identify the names of players who have been sin-binned, ordered-off or who have suffered a serious injury

Referees do NOT collect teamsheets for WRFU grade matches. It is the responsibility of the clubs to get the teamsheets to the WRFU.

Secondary School grades:
Each team is to hand their completed Team Card to the referee BEFORE the match (ie: the referee must collect a Team Card from each team BEFORE the match). The referee retains possession of the Team Card.

At the end of the match, the referee completes ALL of the incomplete detail on both sides of the Team Card:

  • Teams involved in the fixture
  • Grade
  • Date
  • Division
  • Venue
  • REFEREE  — this is easy, just PRINT your name in the space provided!
  • Yellow/Red Card and injury incidents specific to each individual player
  • THE SCORE and how it was achieved (tries, conversions, penalties, drop goals, Total)
  • Ground issues
  • Conduct matters
  • Game comments

Please hand in Team Cards at the WRRA Monday night meetings. If you are unable to attend the Monday night meeting following your game, please ensure that Team Cards are posted (or otherwise delivered) to College Sport Wellington or the Wellington RFU.

Please do not retain possession of Team Cards and do not discard them.